Memahami berat bola kriket

Berapa berat bola kriket dan apakah berat bola kriket mempengaruhi performa pemain bowling?

Cricket, one of India’s most beloved sports, revolves around the cricket ball, an object of precision that can change the game’s momentum. The weight a cricket ball carries isn’t just a figure; it’s crucial for maintaining fairness and competitiveness in the sport. A standard cricket ball weighs between 155.9 grams and 163 grams, ensuring consistency in how it behaves on the pitch.

Knowing this weight is vital for players who rely on it to swing and seam, impacting their bowling strategies. Historically, changes in ball weight have influenced legendary matches and player tactics. This deep-rooted attention to detail showcases cricket’s intricate nature and why every gram matters when players take to the field.

Cricket Ball Weight

A cricket ball is at the heart of the sport’s action, serving as the key component in every play. Its lineage dates back to the 16th century, mirroring cricket’s own historical journey. Over time, a cricket ball has evolved, but it retains its distinctive features:

  • Composition: Traditionally made from cork and leather, stitched together with pronounced seams.
  • Colour: Originally red for test matches; white or pink variations are used for limited overs games or night matches.
  • Weight: A critical aspect that affects how it interacts with bat and pitch.

The weight of a cricket ball is pivotal because it influences everything from bowling speed to movement in the air and off the pitch. It also ensures a level playing field across all levels of play. Fans should know that while players adeptly manipulating the ball’s weight adds excitement to the game, these specifications must be strictly adhered to maintain fairness.

The Standard Weight of a Cricket Ball

The importance of the weight cricket ball cannot be overstated in the realm of cricket. As per the regulations laid out by the International Cricket Council (ICC), the governing body for cricket globally, there’s an established weight range that must be adhered to ensure fair play.

For men’s cricket, particularly at the international level, a standard cricket ball weighs between 155.9 grams and 163 grams. The circumference is between 22.4 cm and 22.9 cm. This slight variation allows manufacturers some leeway while still maintaining consistency within matches.

Women’s cricket balls are slightly lighter and smaller. They weigh between 140 grams to 151 grams. They are between 21 cm and 22.5 cm in circumference. This takes into account factors such as hand size and strength differences on average between genders.

At domestic levels, these standards are generally followed to mimic conditions found in international matches; however, junior levels often use lighter balls to accommodate younger players’ developing skills and strength.

Category Weight Range Circumference Range
Men’s International 155.9g – 163g 22.4cm – 22.9cm
Women’s International 140g -151g 21cm –22.5cm
Domestic/Club Adult Follows ICC Specs* Follows ICC Specs*
Junior Levels Variable** Variable**
*Domestic/club adult games typically follow ICC specifications for men or women respectively.
**Junior levels have variable measurements depending on age group; always less than adult weights.

Understanding these variations is crucial for players at all levels, from those dreaming of bowling at packed stadiums to enthusiasts enjoying local club matches across India’s vast expanses where cricket is not just a sport but a passion woven into their cultural fabric.

The Making of a Cricket Ball: Materials and Weight

The crafting of a cricket ball is an art that blends traditional methods with precision engineering. Each ball starts its life as a core of cork. It provides the fundamental weight and bounce characteristics essential for the game’s dynamics. Around this nucleus, layers of tightly wound string add density and shape to the ball. It further contributes to its final weight.

Leather, known for its durability and seam performance, forms the outer layer. Skilled workers carefully select four pieces of high-quality leather. These are then dyed – typically red and pink for Test matches or white for limited overs games.

Bagaimana bola kriket dibuat?

  1. Buat inti gabus: Campuran butiran gabus dan karet dikompres menjadi bola.
  2. Benang berliku: Benang dililitkan di sekeliling jantung untuk meningkatkan ukuran dan massanya sekaligus memastikan pemerataan di seluruh bagian yang akan menjadi belahan bumi.
  3. Bagian kulit: Seperempat ukuran yang sama dipotong dari kulit premium.
  4. Pembentukan tempat kulit: Setiap bagian dibentuk untuk menutupi seperempat bola dengan sempurna.
  5. Jahit bersama: Bagian kulit di sekitar inti yang dibungkus dijahit dengan tangan dengan cermat, memberikan keseimbangan antara kekencangan dan fleksibilitas.
  6. Pembentukan dan pemolesan akhir: Bola-bola yang hampir jadi ditekan hingga menjadi bentuk akhirnya dan dipoles hingga mengkilat.

Setiap tahap tidak hanya memengaruhi penampilan, tetapi juga memainkan peran penting dalam memberikan kisaran berat yang seragam pada setiap bola kriket – terlalu ringan, tidak akan memberikan permainan yang konsisten; Terlalu berat, dan mungkin tidak aman atau sulit untuk ditangani.

Kontrol kualitas memastikan bahwa ketika pemain membawa bola kriket baru ke lapangan di seluruh India atau lapangan berdebu di desa-desa di mana mimpi melambung tinggi pada setiap pengiriman, mereka merasa diyakinkan oleh bobotnya yang familiar – sangat penting dalam mengeksekusi lari Yorkers yang memenangkan pertandingan atau kecepatan.

Bola kriket

Perbedaan pendapat

Namun, bola kriket pun tidak lepas dari kontroversi. Dari Virat Kohli hingga Rohit Sharma dan Ravichandran Ashwin – mereka semua vokal tentang penurunan kualitas bola SG dan Dukes di Inggris.

Di India, bola merah SG telah menimbulkan kekhawatiran tentang hilangnya bentuk secara dini. Pada tahun 2021. Off-spinner India Ashwin mengklaim bahwa jahitan bola terkelupas setelah 35 overs.

“Saya belum pernah melihat bola SG merobek jahitannya seperti itu. Jadi bisa jadi itu adalah kombinasi dari betapa kerasnya lapangan di dua hari pertama, bahkan di inning kedua setelah inning ke-35 dan ke-40, jahitannya agak seperti itu. terkelupas. Aneh.” Maksudku, aku belum pernah melihat bola SG seperti ini dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. ujar Aswin.

Virat Kohli telah menyerukan penggunaan Dukes dalam Tes kriket di seluruh dunia.

Kualitas bolanya sangat tinggi sebelumnya dan saya tidak mengerti mengapa bola itu jatuh. Saya pikir Dukes adalah bola yang paling cocok untuk Tes kriket dan jika ada situasinya, saya akan memastikan bola itu digunakan di seluruh dunia. ,’ kata Kohli pada tahun 2018.

Namun, para Duke juga punya masalah. Di Inggris, di mana bola Dukes banyak digunakan dalam kriket, pembuat bola menerima masalah kualitas. Selama pertandingan Durham melawan Glamorgan pada tahun 2022, terjadi 11 pergantian bola yang tidak terjadwal dalam pertandingan empat hari County. Kemudian, perusahaan menerima masalah kualitas.

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